佛法中英對照 103-06-02
- The Buddha, to include all the afflictions, points to self-centered views, self-love, ignorance, and arrogance. Because of the attachment to "I and mine," Birth and death will always continue.
- 佛攝諸煩惱,見愛慢無明。我我所攝故,死生永相續。《成佛之道(增註本)》p.161
佛法中英對照 103-06-03
- Whether one's mind is pure or defiled, Whether one's deeds are beneficial or harmful to others, Whether one's actions are good or evil, Buddhists should observe these questions carefully.
- 心淨或不淨,利他或損他;善行不善行,佛子應諦察。《成佛之道(增註本)》p.67
佛法中英對照 103-06-04
- The Three Treasures appear in this world for the relief of living beings' serious physical and mental illnesses.
- 三寶的出現世間,是為了救濟眾生身心重病的。《成佛之道(增註本)》p.41
佛法中英對照 103-08-01
- The virtues in the Human-Celestial Vehicle include Charity, Discipline, and Meditation. These are called the "Three Meritorious Actions".
- 人天乘的德行,約有三種:施、戒、定,稱為世間三福業事。《佛在人間》p.50 ~ p.51
佛法中英對照 103-08-02
- First, giving is to sacrifice what one possesses and to give away one’s possessions for the benefit of others, without attachment and unwillingness.
- 施是犧牲自己所有的,不貪戀慳吝,而肯拿來利他。《佛在人間》p.51
佛法中英對照 103-08-03
- Second, keeping the precepts is to counteract defilement, to build up a proper relationship with others, and to avoid actions that are harmful to others.
- 持戒是制伏煩惱,與一切人建立正常的關係,使自己的行為,不作損人的邪行。《佛在人間》p.51
佛法中英對照 103-08-04
- Third, the practice of concentration is to purify the mind and to sever defilement. The emphasis here is to maintain a mental equilibrium of loving-kindness and compassion during the meditation in order to cultivate great sympathy and motivation to benefit others.
- 定是內心的淨伏,煩惱的部分斷除。這裡是著重禪定中的慈悲等持,為利他的廣大同情心。《佛在人間》p.5
佛法中英對照 103-08-05
- As a fundamental step in the study of wisdom, the cultivation of the Wisdom of Hearing requires actively seeking a broad understanding of various names and terms, as well as various theories and methods of practice.
- 作為慧學初層基礎的聞慧,對於種種名言法相,種種教理行門,自然要盡量廣求多聞。《學佛三要》p.183
佛法中英對照 103-08-06
- However, what Buddhism emphasizes is how we can, with a tireless and endless spirit for listening to Dharma, master the essence of Dharma and realize its profound and distinctive implications, which are not common to the worldly teachings.
- 然而佛教所重視的,是怎樣從無厭足,無止境的多聞中,領解佛法的精要,契悟不共世間的深義。《學佛三要》p.183
《學佛三要》p.183 ~ p.184 -
佛法中英對照 103-08-07
- All suffering comes from bad karma, And all bliss from the accumulation of good karma. Suffering and bliss stop with the ending of karma, So we should cultivate good karma diligently.
- 諸苦由惡業,樂由善業集。苦樂隨業盡,修善宜積極。《成佛之道(增註本)》p.95 ~ p.96
共計 30 項