• 佛法中英對照 103-08-22

    • The Buddha has praised the five precepts as "five great gifts". The kind of merit obtained from benefiting others through keeping the precepts is greater than that obtained from the common act of giving material goods, and it has greater value.
    • 佛讚五戒為『五大施』,這種利他功德,實在比一般布施為大,更有高上的價值。《成佛之道(增註本)》p.106

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  • 佛法中英對照 103-08-23

    • Ch'an meditation is the best way to uncover and develop one’s hidden wisdom and physical capabilities.
    • 坐禪是發掘並發揮人類潛在智能和體能的最佳方法。《禪的體驗‧禪的開示》p.175(聖嚴法師著)

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  • 佛法中英對照 103-08-24

    • For an ordinary person, Ch’an meditation can strengthen your determination and improve your character.
    • 對常人而言,坐禪可以堅強意志,改變氣質。《禪的體驗‧禪的開示》p.175(聖嚴法師著)在生理方面,可以得到新的活力;在心理方面,可以得到新的希望,對周遭的一切環境方面,可以得到新的認識。因此,坐禪能使你獲得一個嶄新的生命,能使你發現你是多麼的幸福、自由和生氣蓬勃。

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  • 佛法中英對照 103-08-25

    • Not only does Buddhism for human world have the ability to cater to the needs of the people as time changes, it also brings out the deeper implications of the teachings of the Buddha. Thus we should all work towards spreading Buddhism for human world.
    • 人間佛教不但契應時機,更是契合於佛法的深義,大家應努力來弘揚! 《佛在人間》p.18

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  • 佛法中英對照 103-08-26

    • Buddhism for Human World is the core of the Buddha dharma. It is related to and found in all the teaching of the Buddha.
    • 人間佛教,是整個佛法的重心,關涉到一切聖教。《佛在人間》p.99

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  • 佛法中英對照 103-08-27

    • Fundamental to Buddhism for Human World is‘Human→Bodhisattva→Buddha’, that is, through a human’s sincere aspiration to practice the Bodhisattva way, comes the attainment of Buddhahood.
    • 這一(人間佛教)論題的核心,就是「人‧菩薩‧佛」──從人而發心學菩薩行,由學菩薩行而成佛。《佛在人間》p.99


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  • 佛法中英對照 103-08-28

    • The Sravaka practitioners too observe the precepts, love all existences, and teach sentient beings the methods of enlightenment. They are thus fundamentally different from the conventional selfishness of the unenlightened.
    • 聲聞賢聖,一樣的持戒,愛物,教化眾生,這與凡夫的自私自利,根本不同。《佛在人間》p.110

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  • 佛法中英對照 103-08-29

    • Bodhisattva perform all acts with the pure intention of benefiting others, hence they do not regard any personal belongings and qualities they may possess as rightfully theirs.
    • 菩薩是一切為了利他,所以對身內的、身外的一切,不把他看作一己私有的。《佛在人間》p.111


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  • 佛法中英對照 103-08-30

    • Novice Bodhisattvas have to develop  patience and compassion, and to learn to awaken Bodhicitta. At the same time, they have to be earnest in learning the Dharma and diligent in contemplating the Truth. These practices have to be built upon the basic foundation of the Ten Virtuous Deeds.
    • 新學菩薩,要培養信心、悲心,學習發菩提心;樂聞正法,聞思精進,而著重以十善業為菩薩道的基石。《佛在人間》p.101

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  • 佛法中英對照 103-08-31

    • At the early stage of Bodhisattvahood, novices do not possess the qualities of deep concentration, great wisdom, or extraordinary power. However they do demonstrate the true essence of the Bodhisattva practice through their relentless effort in pursuing the Boddha path, developing their Bodhi mind, and observance of the Ten Virtuous Deeds(the Bodhisattva precepts).
    • 這類(新學)菩薩,雖沒有什麼深定大慧,神通妙用,但能修發菩提心,修集十善行──菩薩戒,精勤佛道,已充分表示出菩薩的面目。《佛在人間》p.101

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